

Details on the various projects that RMS Ltd. are currently engaged in.

Society Neurodiversity & Cats

A blog where personal experience meets social analysis, transformation meets understanding, and thoughts on social justice are often served with a side of seriously spicy curry.

Drawing from Ruari’s journey through trauma, recovery, and personal growth, he explores the intersections of neurodiversity, class, politics, identity, food, and ethics. As an educator, former actor, computer scientist, biker, and passionate vegetarian cook, he brings diverse insights to his writing. Living in a beautifully neurodiverse household, He shares authentic perspectives on everything from ADHD and autism to gender identity, mixed-race relationships, and social justice. He will also share his culinary adventures – from growing extreme chillies to crafting vegan versions of Indian and Italian classics that challenge the notion that ethical eating means compromising on flavour.

His writing examines how personal experiences connect to broader social issues, from economic inequality to systemic oppression, while exploring how our food choices reflect our values and connection to other sentient beings.

Web app in development

Web App

RMS is actively developing a new web app.

Development is at early MVP stage, watch this space for announcements.

Society Neurodiversity & Cats

A plugin for the Fleet IDE by Jetbrains.

Will output all [code] errors, warnings, and weak warnings to a XML/json file.

Error Logger, a plugin for Feet

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